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12 novembre 2011

I need a break from all this.

I need a break from all this.
Do you know how it feels like without having your 6 weeks holiday for last sem cause of strenuous internship? It feels like shit. I miss going out for an adventure, learning more about other cultures and devouring on scrumptious food.I can't wait to go...
12 novembre 2011

Ctrop cool!

Ctrop cool!
So, I was just googling, "Licence Sciences Islamiques Paris" and guess what I found? An Islamic institute located in Paris which offers Bachelor and Master Degrees! Do you know how happy I was when I saw the website? My happiness can't be explained in...
18 décembre 2011


I just reached home from Aunty Rasi's birthday party. Yea, it's late. Midnight mhhmmm but it was good! She cried when we surprised her hehe ^^ Here, take a sneak peek at some of the pictures taken ;) In the train otw to meet Aunty Kala cause we're planning...
26 novembre 2011

Margaux BB! :'(

Margaux BB! :'(
This made me teary-eyed. :'(It's been coming to two weeks we din talk cause of our busy schedules and I really feel like hugging and crying on her shoulders now. T_TI miss her so much :'( It's a bond that I've never felt before. I really treat her like...
6 décembre 2011

Maybe I should try doing this Hijab style during

Maybe I should try doing this Hijab style during
Maybe I should try doing this Hijab style during the Holidays? (when I go to Batam to celebrate Christmas? :D) I need to look good by putting some effort already. I've been such a laid-back person that I keep wearing the same Hijab and the same Hijab...
1 décembre 2011

Le cersi propose un programme de séminaires d'études du Coran.

Le cersi propose un programme de séminaires d'études du Coran.
Présentation synthétique Intitulé Etude du Coran Durée Séminaires annuels Calendrier octobre/novembre à fin juin Conditions de participation avoir au moins 18 ans à la date d'inscription, résider en région parisienne. Option "auditeur libre" Oui Volume...
11 novembre 2011


Okay so this is my first post in this blog and it took hours for me to create this blog cause I can't think of a name for my blog at all. =_=And it's obvious that Canalblog is in 100% French, thus I got a bit confused here and there. But I managed to...
13 novembre 2011

J'en ai marre de l'école. t(-.-t)

I don't want to go to school tomorrow.I got caught in the rain a lot of times today. I hope I won't fall ill tmr.I have to do the foodchem datasheet today and save i in my thumbdrive.I learnt French slang in the library just now. I'll give exampls in...
16 novembre 2011

Gillette Satin Care Shaving Gel for Sensitive Skin

Bought Gillette Satin Care Sensitive Skin Shaving Gel (with Aloe Vera) and I tried just now~ But I cut myself while shaving. God dammit. I din know there was a pimple. =___=Lesson learnt: If you're myopic and have bad eyesight like me, shave in the shower...
6 décembre 2011


I've been distracted by Youtube the past few hours and now I have to finish up my revision for OCRM by 5pm! K a rough schedule for the rest of the day till tomorrow I guess >< 5pm: Completed OCRM Revision 5-6pm: Rest6-7pm: Read at least 2 chapters of...
6 décembre 2011


I've finished my revision along with tutorials and MST Papers for tomorrow. Am I confident already? NO. Cause there are still some things I'm unsure of but I really hope my mind will be super clear tomorrow >< And I have not even started revising for...
8 décembre 2011

Oh my exam :/

My eyes have been swollen and puffy due to the exams x_x They look like as if I've been crying for the past few days non-stop Oh la la. Nvm, tmr is the final day for my paper, and my Freedom will start at 9.40am tomorrow!!! *counting down like crazy*I...
23 novembre 2011

I Prayed for Peace Today

By: Yasmin Mogahed I found myself praying for peace today. I’ve been in and out of my mind a thousand times I know You heard me. I know I wasn’t alone in that room, shaking with the fear of fear, the harrowing loneliness. I cried out to You on my hands....
6 décembre 2011


Lelaki yg Baik : Lelaki yg boleh membimbing wanita ke jalanNya♥ Lelaki yg Comel : Lelaki yg berpakaian baju yg kemas dan menuju ke masjid♥ Lelaki yg Sweet : Lelaki yg selalu bercakap dgn nada yg rendah♥ Lelaki yg Romantik : Lelaki yg menghadiahkan sebuah...
16 décembre 2011

Le Cordon Bleu

Diplome de Patisserie? Even though I din like baking at first, after I worked in Gardenia, I kind of appreciate the art of baking and I think being a Pastry Chef is such an excellent idea for a food lover like me, moreover working in Paris, non? But first,...
6 décembre 2011

I am a proud of my hijab. <3

That moment when you receive "Assalamualaikum" by strangers after you've started wearing the Hijab and people respect you much more as compared to in the past when guys keep looking at your body and your appearance was being judged upon. Feeling: AWESOME....
23 novembre 2011


Going to take a nap then cook porridge for my lunch.Tmr I'll be going to see my family doctor. Dear Gastritis, why did you come back again after you're out from my life for 2 years?! :(This means no spicy and fried food and dairy products for a few months....
11 novembre 2011


There's this annoying bug flying around my room and it made that " tiak tiak tiak" sound when it hits against something. For the first round, I lost. I din know where it went when I wave my French textbook everywhere. Second round, I lost again. And the...
16 novembre 2011


Getting married is not just about the status "Mrs". Don't forget your responsibility is actually twice than what it is now. Your responsibility as a wife towards your husband. Responsibility as a mother towards your future kids. Everything will be counted...
12 novembre 2011

Apartments? Houses? 2 Bedrooms? 3 Bedrooms?

For the whole bloody night, I was dreaming about which apartment and houses in France for me to stay in. I guess that's the effect of looking through the accomodations founded in France yesterday just to 'pre-prepare' (if that word even exists) myself...
12 novembre 2011

I am...... an IDIOT.

"Institut Européen des Sciences Humaines - Paris 13 Bd de la libération, 93200 Saint- Denis" I thought "13 Bd" means 13th District in Paris, so I happily searched for apartments at/nearby to the 13th district until I google map the location of the institution....
14 novembre 2011

T'as pas d'chance, Amira

Aujourd'hui... C'est...Euh...C'est un GROS MERDIER. TROP GROS, t'sais?!Oh la la... Ca va de mal en pis!Oh mon Dieu. Pourquoi? :(Soyez patient, Amira... Patient.. *breathes in deep* Bad day. 1. Hypo attack this morning. 2. Stomach ache. 3. Ibu forgot to...
15 novembre 2011


I just reached home and I'm bloody exhausted! Ouais, je suis treeessss fatiguee, tu sais?! And basically, Clara forgotten about our date after school but she was reminded about me by our junior, Pei Wen, when Clara met her otw home. Pffft!~ So went to...
15 novembre 2011

C'est un grand merdier.

Putain.Bloody pissed off.Don't f*cking disturb me when I'm revising dammit. I told you I've eaten so why the f*ck do you want me to eat again when I'm f*cking bloody full and scold me for not eating. WTF?! You knew all along I've eaten already. Just cause...
17 novembre 2011

Results for my Diploma Pengajian Islam [Diploma in Islamic Studies]

Year 1 Sem 1 Metodologi Kajian : A- Aqidah Islam 1 : A- Usul Fiqh : BQawaid Al-Fiqhiyah : B+ GPA: 3.42 / 4.0 Year 1 Sem 2 Aqidah Islam II : A-Ulum Al-Tafsir : ASejarah & Tamadun Islam I : B+Sejarah Pendidikan Islam I : A- Sem GPA: 3.67 / 4.0 Cumulative...
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